I want to build an Igloo!

I want to build an Igloo!

Do you know that we run clay sessions where you can come and create an item by hand? You can make all sorts of things by hand with clay without needing a potters wheel. When customers book in to work with clay I always suggest they arrive with some ideas, then I can...
How I had a write up in the Prima Magazine

How I had a write up in the Prima Magazine

You just never know what is going to land your way! Back in July I was out doing our weekly food shop when my phone pinged telling me I had a Twitter notification. Brian, who I met years ago when he came to see Stan who owned the chip shop next to my studio, had seen...
A proposal of marriage – Did she say yes?

A proposal of marriage – Did she say yes?

I’ve painted many commissions over the years, all unique of course but never a proposal plate. I had a table booked on the 5th Feb for 2 adults to use their Christmas gift vouchers for 2 clay sessions. Following the booking Rick called and asked if it would be...